Meet Mark Gurman, the college student who breaks those Apple scoops

VENICE BEACH, Calif. — He's already got the skinny on what the next version of the Apple Watch will look like.
Mark Gurman[1] had the goods on Apple Music weeks before it was announced. And on how Apple would remove most of the ports from its latest MacBook Pro computer — before it was unveiled in the spring.
The senior editor of the 9to5mac[2] blog, is a college student who has been breaking scoops since the 10th grade. Now 21 and going into his senior year at the University of Michigan, Gurman met up with us for an extended chat on our Talking Tech Roundtable podcast.
What's he doing for the summer? Trying to get the skinny on the specs for the next version of the iPhone.
Click the link below to listen to our interview.
Talking Tech Roundtable airs live Thursdays on TuneIn, and is archived on TuneIn, iTunes, SoundCloud and Stitcher.

Steve Brazill, left, Frederick Van Johnson and Mark Gurman tout their Apple Watches. (Photo: Jefferson Graham)
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