Best gift of all - video and photo memories

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Best gift of all - video and photo memories
LOS ANGELES - Stumped about that last minute gift?
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Jefferson Graham outlines how to give the best gift of them all--video memories, during this holiday season, on #TalkingTech. USA TODAY

Capturing video memories on a smartphone(Photo: Jefferson Graham)
LOS ANGELES - Stumped about that last minute gift?
I’ve got a great project for the holidays and it’s the best gift of them all. Let’s make some priceless memories with our smartphones.
You won’t have shipping or returns to worry about, and it won’t cost you a dime.
The family’s going to be together, right? This is the time, if you haven’t done it already, to pull out your phone and do a video interview with your parents, your wife, kid, girlfriend, boyfriend, uncle, aunt, cousin--even the next door neighbor. Document their stories with the easiest to use, most accessible tool you have--the smartphone.
You’re holding a great camera and audio device in your pocket--so use it. If not now, when? Really, think about it--a wrapped present purchased at a shopping mall or a moment in time about a special person in your life? Inspired? Great--let's get to work.
If you want to hold the camera in your hand and use the internal microphone to get the job done, I won't complain. Just know that your internal smartphone microphone isn’t the greatest--it will pick up feet shuffling, the TV, the coffee pot and other voices beyond the most important one--your subject. But it will do the trick.
To make it work, you'll need to go find a quiet corner, away from other folks and the noise. Once that's done, sit and ask your subject about their lives, loves, hopes and dreams.
If you are willing to spring for a few accessories, your video can sound and look like a pro production. I recommend a tripod (with smartphone adapter) to steady the shot, and more importantly, take the onus off you having to hold the camera for an extended period of time. Try this combo--the little $29.99 tabletop [1]Manfrotto tripod and the $9.99 Arkon[2] mount. Remember to place the camera horizontally for the interview--otherwise you'll have big black bars on the sides of the vertical image.
I also suggest opting for a good microphone. The new $49.99 IK Multimedia iRig Lav[3] mic works great as a clip-on mic that you won't have to hold. If you want to pick up two voices at once, try the new Shure MV51[4], which plugs directly into the phone and sounds fantastic. It's pricey at $199. You could also try the cheaper Blue Microphone Snowball[5], which can be picked up for less than $70.
Finally, If you don’t feel like doing the audio/video thing, at least take some nice smartphone portraits of the family, and pile up on the family combinations. The brothers together. The uncles, The aunts. You and your mom. Your dad and sister. And on and on.
Jefferson Graham, with brother Jez and father Jerry Graham (Photo: Jefferson Graham)
Because when all is said and done, we’re only left with one thing in this world--and that’s our memories.
How big a deal is this? Well, in prepping this piece, I went through the archives to illustrate it and came across a shot taken a few years ago. This was a moment I stole by demanding a group shot of my brother, myself and father, who is now no longer with us. Yes, it was the last time the three of us were captured together in an image. And I looked at it, and wondered--what is this moment in time worth? $5,000? $10,000? $100,000? A million dollars?
You get the point. It is absolutely priceless, and I wish I had many more of these moments in the collection.
Take the time and shoot lots of pictures and videos this holiday season!
Good luck with your family shoots. Feel free to hit me up with any questions or concerns on Twitter, where I’m @jeffersongraham.
You can also feel free to contact me on Twitter, where I’m @jeffersongraham
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Best gift of all - video and photo memories
LOS ANGELES - Stumped about that last minute gift?
Try Another
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Jefferson Graham outlines how to give the best gift of them all--video memories, during this holiday season, on #TalkingTech. USA TODAY

Capturing video memories on a smartphone(Photo: Jefferson Graham)
LOS ANGELES - Stumped about that last minute gift?
I’ve got a great project for the holidays and it’s the best gift of them all. Let’s make some priceless memories with our smartphones.
You won’t have shipping or returns to worry about, and it won’t cost you a dime.
The family’s going to be together, right? This is the time, if you haven’t done it already, to pull out your phone and do a video interview with your parents, your wife, kid, girlfriend, boyfriend, uncle, aunt, cousin--even the next door neighbor. Document their stories with the easiest to use, most accessible tool you have--the smartphone.
You’re holding a great camera and audio device in your pocket--so use it. If not now, when? Really, think about it--a wrapped present purchased at a shopping mall or a moment in time about a special person in your life? Inspired? Great--let's get to work.
If you want to hold the camera in your hand and use the internal microphone to get the job done, I won't complain. Just know that your internal smartphone microphone isn’t the greatest--it will pick up feet shuffling, the TV, the coffee pot and other voices beyond the most important one--your subject. But it will do the trick.
To make it work, you'll need to go find a quiet corner, away from other folks and the noise. Once that's done, sit and ask your subject about their lives, loves, hopes and dreams.
If you are willing to spring for a few accessories, your video can sound and look like a pro production. I recommend a tripod (with smartphone adapter) to steady the shot, and more importantly, take the onus off you having to hold the camera for an extended period of time. Try this combo--the little $29.99 tabletop [6]Manfrotto tripod and the $9.99 Arkon[7] mount. Remember to place the camera horizontally for the interview--otherwise you'll have big black bars on the sides of the vertical image.
I also suggest opting for a good microphone. The new $49.99 IK Multimedia iRig Lav[8] mic works great as a clip-on mic that you won't have to hold. If you want to pick up two voices at once, try the new Shure MV51[9], which plugs directly into the phone and sounds fantastic. It's pricey at $199. You could also try the cheaper Blue Microphone Snowball[10], which can be picked up for less than $70.
Finally, If you don’t feel like doing the audio/video thing, at least take some nice smartphone portraits of the family, and pile up on the family combinations. The brothers together. The uncles, The aunts. You and your mom. Your dad and sister. And on and on.

Jefferson Graham, with brother Jez and father Jerry Graham (Photo: Jefferson Graham)
Because when all is said and done, we’re only left with one thing in this world--and that’s our memories.
How big a deal is this? Well, in prepping this piece, I went through the archives to illustrate it and came across a shot taken a few years ago. This was a moment I stole by demanding a group shot of my brother, myself and father, who is now no longer with us. Yes, it was the last time the three of us were captured together in an image. And I looked at it, and wondered--what is this moment in time worth? $5,000? $10,000? $100,000? A million dollars?
You get the point. It is absolutely priceless, and I wish I had many more of these moments in the collection.
Take the time and shoot lots of pictures and videos this holiday season!
Good luck with your family shoots. Feel free to hit me up with any questions or concerns on Twitter, where I’m @jeffersongraham.
You can also feel free to contact me on Twitter, where I’m @jeffersongraham
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- ^ tabletop (
- ^ Arkon (
- ^ IK Multimedia iRig Lav (
- ^ Shure MV51 (
- ^ Snowball (
- ^ tabletop (
- ^ Arkon (
- ^ IK Multimedia iRig Lav (
- ^ Shure MV51 (
- ^ Snowball (