5 apps that made us say 'wow' in 2015

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5 apps that made us say 'wow' in 2015
The top free picks include Flipagram and Google Photos.
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USA TODAY's Jefferson Graham takes a look at the top apps that made smartphone users say 'Wow!' in 2015.

Flipagram makes music videos from your camera roll images.(Photo: Flipagram)
LOS ANGELES - So many new apps came out this year — but only five of them made me say "wow."
I was that impressed.
All are free and available in the Apple and Google app stores. Here they are:
Google Photos made backup copies of all my smartphone and camera photos and videos for free. It created little mini movies in the background of my pix and stylized collages — without me being involved. And now I have one place to find everything, without being nagged to upgrade to more storage. That’s a wow.
HBO Now is the greatest TV app ever. I now have access to every TV show HBO has ever produced, within an app, and on-demand access to everything on the HBO schedule, without having to wait a few hours or days to watch it. I can view on the TV, tablet and phone. Wow.
HBO Now logo (Photo: HBO)
With Periscope, I can broadcast my thoughts to people all over the world from a smartphone directly to my Twitter followers, show them what I’m seeing and get love in return. That’s a wow.
YouTube Music went beyond Spotify, Apple Music and others to give more music than had ever been available in an app before, with access to live performances, late night gigs and the like, presented in a never ending mix based on the music YouTube knows I like.
Finally, Flipagram brought a way to make a music video out of your camera roll shots. It’s a whole lot of fun. If you haven’t checked it out, the holidays are a great time to download the app. It’s free and will be a great conversation started around the family living room.
Which apps made you saw wow this year? Let’s talk about it on Twitter, where I’m @jeffersongraham[1].
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5 apps that made us say 'wow' in 2015
The top free picks include Flipagram and Google Photos.
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USA TODAY's Jefferson Graham takes a look at the top apps that made smartphone users say 'Wow!' in 2015.

Flipagram makes music videos from your camera roll images.(Photo: Flipagram)
LOS ANGELES - So many new apps came out this year — but only five of them made me say "wow."
I was that impressed.
All are free and available in the Apple and Google app stores. Here they are:
Google Photos made backup copies of all my smartphone and camera photos and videos for free. It created little mini movies in the background of my pix and stylized collages — without me being involved. And now I have one place to find everything, without being nagged to upgrade to more storage. That’s a wow.
HBO Now is the greatest TV app ever. I now have access to every TV show HBO has ever produced, within an app, and on-demand access to everything on the HBO schedule, without having to wait a few hours or days to watch it. I can view on the TV, tablet and phone. Wow.

HBO Now logo (Photo: HBO)
With Periscope, I can broadcast my thoughts to people all over the world from a smartphone directly to my Twitter followers, show them what I’m seeing and get love in return. That’s a wow.
YouTube Music went beyond Spotify, Apple Music and others to give more music than had ever been available in an app before, with access to live performances, late night gigs and the like, presented in a never ending mix based on the music YouTube knows I like.
Finally, Flipagram brought a way to make a music video out of your camera roll shots. It’s a whole lot of fun. If you haven’t checked it out, the holidays are a great time to download the app. It’s free and will be a great conversation started around the family living room.
Which apps made you saw wow this year? Let’s talk about it on Twitter, where I’m @jeffersongraham[2].
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