Starbucks Supports Education Featured
- Written By Dorothy Distefano

Starbucks is certainly a recognizable brand. Every city, big or small, seems to have them scattered throughout the landscape, offering high-end coffee and pastries. The company is constantly innovating and working on its brand image.
Starbucks opened its doors for the first time in Seattle’s Pike Place Market 1971. They have aspired to be a different kind of company right from the start. The say that their mission is “…to inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.” From the one small store in 1971, Starbucks has grown to over 21,000 stores in 65 countries.
The company offers coffee, obviously, but also a coffeehouse flavor. The décor, the music, the ambience, all invite people to come in, have a seat and enjoy some coffee. Of course, coffee isn’t the only thing on the menu. Teas, frozen drinks, and pastries are also staples of the menu.
Business ethics and compliance are important to the company. They are committed to helping create positive change. They establish relationships within the communities of their locations. In 1997, they began funding literacy programs. The Starbucks Foundation also provides grants for Youth Leadership, offers opportunities for youth, engages in community service, and supports the countries that produce the coffee beans for them. In 2013, the Starbucks Corporation gave $15.6 million in charitable endeavors.
Starbucks is also committed to reducing their impact on the environment. Their stores are environmentally sound and they provide easy access to recycle their cups. They also collaborate with others to reduce packaging waste for their inventory of mugs and other coffee-related items for sale.
They are certainly environmentally and community friendly, but they are also a very innovative and progressive business. Every season, new coffees are introduced or brought back for a limited time so that customers associate that particular taste with the season. They also offer new mugs, travel cups, and other drinkware in designs that reflect the new season.
An interesting innovation that they have worked to improve is an app for smartphones. Customers can prepay to keep money available through the app. When they make a purchase, the phone code is scanned, the purchase deducted, and reward points. Free songs and apps are also available for download.
And now, Starbucks is offering student aid for employees taking online classes at Arizona State University. So far, about 4,000 employees have applied, but applications are still being taken for enrollment. This program covers a percentage of two years of tuition. The University is also covering a portion. After finding that many of their employees had not gained undergraduate degrees, Starbucks thought this might be a great way to help.
While students may graduate and leave their jobs as baristas, Starbucks isn’t worried. It is the kind of company that wants to invest in people, communities, and to support their employees in gaining education. They will pay approximately $30,000 per student for two years of education.
I’m thinking about putting in my application at Starbucks. Are you?