Morgan Stanley fires employee, cites data theft

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Morgan Stanley fires employee, cites data theft
Morgan Stanley said Monday it fired an employee in its wealth management division who stole "partial client data" and that account information of about 900 clients had been "briefly posted on the Internet."
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Staff reports, USA TODAY 11:44 a.m. EST January 5, 2015
A window washer cleans off the lettering at Morgan Stanley headquarters in New York.(Photo: Mark Lennihan, AP)
Morgan Stanley said Monday it fired an employee in its wealth management division who stole "partial client data" and that account information of about 900 clients had been "briefly posted on the Internet."
In a statement on its website Monday, the investment banking giant said it "detected this exposure and the information was promptly removed."
The company "today began advising certain Wealth Management clients" of the incident, the statement said. In addition to the firing, the statement continued, "law enforcement and regulatory authorities have been advised of the incident."
There is "no evidence of any economic loss to any client," the company said. "Overall, partial account information of up to 10% of all Wealth Management clients was stolen."
"The data stolen does not include account passwords or social security numbers," the statement said. "The Firm is taking the precaution of notifying all potentially affected clients and instituting enhanced security procedures including fraud monitoring on these accounts."
The company says it is contacting affected clients. Anyone seeking more information can call 855-398-6437 in the U.S. and Canada or 512-201-2186 outside the U.S. and Canada.
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