5 items to never buy in bulk

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5 items to never buy in bulk
Skip these five items the next time you shop wholesale
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If you're one of the many Americans who shops at wholesale stores, beware! Here are five things you should never buy in bulk. VPC
Elissa Koehl, USA TODAY 12:43 p.m. EDT September 4, 2014
Costco Wholesale(Photo: Getty)
With bulk shopping, everything MUST be cheaper than buying it in the grocery store right? Thirty rolls of toilet paper, twenty pounds of dog food and a gallon of dish soap seems to be the way to shop these days.
Not so fast.
If you're one of the many Americans who loves to shop in bulk, then this list is going to surprise you.
There's nothing wrong with stocking up and saving money along the way, but what you may not know about wholesale shopping could be hurting your wallet.
Money expert Matt Granite is here to help! As part of his weekly money-saving series, Granite has the inside scoop on the five items you should never buy in bulk. Spoiler alert: One is brown rice!
Check out the video above to learn the other four.
Want more deals? Follow @MattGranite[1] on Twitter.
Matt Granite is a consumer reporter with Gannett's WKYC station in Cleveland. His videos offer tips to consumers on how to save money.
We do not get any financial compensation for mentioning any of these deals or companies. The only purpose of this segment is to save you money.
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