Thomas succeeding Jordan at Reed Smith
After Greg Jordan was named general counsel at PNC Financial Services Group Inc.[6] (NYSE: PNC), it was never a question if Reed Smith LLP[7] would be led by a new global managing partner based outside Pittsburgh. It was simply a matter of when. Now that question has been answered — in less than two weeks, Alexander Thomas[8], the firm’s global chairman of litigation who is based in its Washington, D.C., office, will take the reins
Jordan, who joins PNC on Oct. 15, said he recommended Thomas to be his successor, and Reed Smith confirmed he was the unanimous choice of its executive committee.
“Greg made it his business to grow leaders within the firm and I’ve been happy to be included in that effort,” Thomas said. “To be a little more current, I talked to Greg less than a week ago about his decision to take the position at PNC and he then made his recommendation to the executive committee and it did its thing over the course of this week as it’s dictated under our partnership arrangement.”
Jordan called Thomas “a great choice” to lead the firm.
“Sandy is the best of the best and while his home isn’t in Pittsburgh, he is just an absolutely terrific leader for the firm,” Jordan said. “He is well aware of the history of Reed Smith and the significance of it. At the same time, there is an inevitability of having a managing partner who didn’t work in the Pittsburgh office. Once you start down the expansion path we’ve been on in the law-firm world, talent rises to the top and not all of it’s in Pittsburgh.”
Reed Smith, founded in Pittsburgh in 1877, has been describing itself as an international firm rather than “based” anywhere for the past several years. Its London office, benefiting from two acquisitions, long surpassed Pittsburgh as being home for its biggest group of lawyers.
Patty Tascarella covers accounting, banking, finance, legal, marketing and advertising and foundations. Contact her at[9] or 412-208-3832. .
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